Site Notice

Rue de la Loi 81a
1000 Brussels, Belgium

Commercial Register: 0777.249.518
Registration court: SPF Economie, Belgium


Phone: +32 2 725 11 15

EU dispute resolution

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR):
Our e-mail address can be found above in the site notice.

Dispute resolution proceedings in front of a consumer arbitration board

We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings in front of a consumer arbitration board.

Image sources:

Adobe Stock Photo: Bass Fishing on lake: 328519446 | Ryno Botha Drapeau européen - Europe: 176208784 | pict rider christian symbol fish: 358731890 | magann 
effta/our-mission: European Union flag against European Parliament: 93494284 | artjazz
effta/our-mission: Planet earth from the space at night.3d render: 376427215 | rangizzz
effta/board-management: Business People Communication Office Meeting Room Concept: 182830463 |
effta/lobby-4-u/projects-goals: EU flags waving in front of European Parliament building in Brus: 94576008 | Grecaud Paul
effta/member-login: data security concept, mobile application access, login and password: 180950881 | Song_about_summer


eftta/lobby projects &goalds - 9/12/22 - Shutterstock 2026558451
eftta/lobby projects &goalds - 12/12/22 - Shutterstock 1348668587
eftta/mission&vision - Shutterstock 1213257562
eftta/we lobby for you - Shuterstock 740658565
eftta/news -1/17/22 - Shutterstock 235889383
eftta/news - 5/30/22 - Shutterstock 2146152785
eftta/news - 8/2/22 - Shutterstock 89184583
eftta/news - 9/15/22 - Shutterstock 125082710
eftta/news - 9/28/22 - Shutterstock 213553870
eftta/news - 9/15/22 - Shutterstock 250827210
eftta/news - 9/28/22 - Shutterstock 1887848875
eftta/news - 9/28/22 - Shutterstock 213553870
eftta/spotlight - 11/7/22 - Shutterstock 742525513
eftta news - 2/8/23 - Shutterstock 1928312
eftta/news - 2/23/23 - Shutterstock 1997751206
eftta/news - 2/8/23 - Shutterstock 1928312
eftta/news - 3/2/23 - Shutterstock 1537391351
eftta/news - 5/25/23 - Shutterstcok 147713392
eftta/news - 7/8/23 - Shutterstock 16975080885
eftta/news - 7/6/23 - Shutterstock 1105302185
eftta/news - 7/17/23 - Shutterstock 479818966
eftta/news - 7/28/23 - Shutterstock 2332975107
eftta/news - 7/28/23 - Shutterstock 2255398713
eftta/news - 7/28/23 - Shutterstock 787220944
eftta/news - 8/7/23 - Shutterstock 2175140169
eftta/news - 8/30/23, 9/21/23 - Shutterstock 2317340157
eftta/news - 9/11/23 - Shutterstock 2256303973
eftta/news - 10/6/23 - Shutterstock 569771131
eftta/news - 10/19/23 - Shutterstock 765517225
eftta/news - 10/24/23 - Shutterstock 7508542
eftta/news - 11/23/23 - Shutterstock 130844135
eftta/news - 11/29/23 - Shutterstock_1344087431
eftta/lobby - 01/01/24 - Shutterstock 648155668, 1768736513 (marine protected area)
eftta/lobby - 01/01/24 - Shutterstock 1738018766 (socio-economic values)
eftta/lobby - 01/01/24 - Shutterstock 1962473752 (polluters pay) 
eftta/lobby - 01/01/24 - Shutterstock 88122271 (fish farms)
eftta/lobby - 01/01/24 - Shutterstock 1584645088, 2101747309 (otters)
eftta/news - 15/01/24 - Shutterstock 2350666221
eftta/news - 26/01/24 - Shutterstock 2180306353
eftta/news 2/11/2024 - shutterstock_2365591037
eftta/news 2/12/2024 - shutterstock_1055238923 
eftta/news 2/13/2024 - shutterstock_1916494541 
eftta/news 2/28/2024 - shutterstock_1771057064 (herring school)

EFTTA Newsletter February 2024:
shutterstock 1962473752 -EPR
shutterstock 2350666221 -Custom check
shutterstock 7508542 -Glitter
shutterstock 2180306353 -Greenwashing

eftta/news - 4/08/24 - shutterstock_727400299
eftta/news - 4/10/24 - shutterstock_1901549851